The North Fairfield Baptist Mission came into being in January 1960. East Hamilton Baptist Church, our mother church, had decided to sponsor a mission in this area. A small group of East Hamilton Baptist members, led by Rev. Dennis Lewis, held the first service in the Fairfield North Elementary School.

A short time later, our services were held in the old Princeton Acres farmhouse on Princeton Pike, with Rev. Arkie Gabbard serving as pastor. After a time, services were held in Rev. Gabbard’s basement at 6920 Logsdon Road.

In 1962 moving out under the leadership of the HOLY SPIRIT, and with financial help from East Hamilton Baptist Church, we obtained five acres of land on Gilmore Road for the sum of $10,000.

In January 1964, Rev. Edwin Armitage was called to the pastorate. The mission was then meeting at 6495 Canastota Drive, Normandy Heights. Later, Rev. Armitage provided space for services in the basement of his home at 2550 Rochester Avenue, Normandy Heights.

In the meantime, construction of our initial building was begun. By doing most of the work ourselves and sub-contracting the rest, our building was completed and the first services were held on Palm Sunday, March 22, 1964 with forty-two (42) people in attendance.

During the following months, as our membership grew and our stewardship reflected a positive dedication, the time seemed favorable for setting our own course as a church, not as a mission. With special services and a fellowship dinner, Organization Day was held on June 6, 1965. Charter members now numbered fifty-four (54).

Rev. Armitage resigned as pastor in June 1967. The church then decided to call its first full-time pastor. Rev. Robert H. Skirvin, was led into our midst and accepted our call to begin his ministry with us on July 3, 1967.

October 11, 1968 ground was broken for our new educational unit. The first classes were held in the new classrooms in August 1969.

November 23, 1969 from a faithful few to a membership of 203, from rented space in a public school building to our present structure, we solemnly dedicated these buildings and grounds to GOD.

February 13, 1980 the church voted to build a new auditorium. June 11, 1980 the church voted to use the “TOGETHER WE BUILD” program, a means of financing the new building.

October 5, 1980 the church approved the building plans for the new auditorium. Our architect, Mr. Robert Huie, drew up the plans.

February 15, 1981 the architect, Mr. Huie, presented a scale model of the new auditorium to the church.

June 7, 1981 the additional three (3) acres of ground were dedicated. Two (2) years from the day of the groundbreaking, the first service was held in the new church.

Dedication Day, October 16, 1983, was the reality of ten (10) years of praying, planning and realizing.

May 1, 1984 we began the “OWE NO MAN “ program, which generated over $100,000 toward our indebtedness in the first four years of a seven year program.

April 1988, a new Future Planning Committee was selected and approved by the church. They looked at the current program and planned for God’s continual future direction.

June 3 1990, North Fairfield Baptist Church celebrated her twenty-five (25) year anniversary as a church. June 1992, Bob Skirvin, celebrated his 25th Anniversary as the first full-time pastor of the church.

October 1996 the church unanimously voted to build a new Preschool Building, nursery through five years old.

November 1996 ground was broken for the Preschool Building. It was a special blessing to see the church take part.

February 2, 1997 the church had a “Launch Day” introducing the “BUILDING TO REACH CHILDREN” five year debt reduction program as a means of financing the new building instead of the original 20 year loan.

Our architects, Roush and Roush Architects drew the final plans.

Thirlon Jackson was hired as general contractor and construction started the end of March 1997. The building was occupied September 7, 1997 and Dedication Day, November 16, 1997, was the reality of seeing the need and where God was at work.

A special business meeting was called for May 27, 1998 to present the building plans for Phases II and III. Roush and Roush Architects drew the plans and Thirlon Jackson was again our general contractor. Construction on the balcony and wrap-around foyer began in September 1998. On February 1, 1999 we kicked off a new program “TOGETHER WE FINISH GOD’S HOUSE” to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest while paying off the loan. The first service in Phases II and III was held Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999 and Dedication Day was November 14, 1999.

December 2002, the Future Planning Committee recommended reconstruction of the balcony for viewing purposes. The architect, Greig Rutherford of Treadon & Associates, was hired to redesign the balcony. Construction by Chumbly/Rankin Construction Company was begun in June 2003 and completed in August 2003.

On November 14, 2004 our pastor of 37 ½ years, Bob Skirvin, announced his resignation and retirement. He remained here through the end of the year. An era had come to an end.

January and February were spent seeking out a new Shepherd for the flock. Bro. Mark E. Wilson accepted the call to become Senior Pastor on February 27, 2005.

In November of 2005 a new Capital Stewardship program was brought to Bro. Mark by Brad Cunningham from “Raising the Standard Ministries” in Springboro, Ohio and the architect is Greig Rutherford from Greig J Rutherford Architect, Inc. in Oxford, Ohio for the “Pressing Toward the Mark,” program to begin the preparations for building a Family Life Center.

On Sunday evening April 27, 2008 the congregation overwhelmingly approved a motion to proceed with the construction of our Family life Center. The general contractor for this project will be G/C Contracting. We have secured financing for $2.3 million to finance the construction. Ground breaking for the Family Life Center was on June 1, 2008. Clearing the property to begin construction began on June 26, 2008. A webcam was set up by Brian Graham on the construction site so people could log onto our website to watch the daily progress. Over a year has gone by and we have anxiously awaited the Family Life Center being finished and we finally were able to make our plans to have our Dedication Service on August 30, 2009 at 2:30 along with a banquet. With a few more things that needed to be done, we began looking forward and planning our many years of ministry in our new addition. Now three years later, we have many activities going on in our Family Life Center, such as Upward Basketball and Cheerleading, AWANA, wedding receptions, voting location, dinners and many other activities. We are enjoying every aspect of the Family Life Center that God has provided for us to use in sharing the Gospel.




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Hamilton, OH 45011
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